
PurviewClient.get_entity_lineage(guid, depth=3, width=10, direction='BOTH', includeParent=False, getDerivedLineage=False)#

Gets lineage info about the specified entity by guid.

  • guid (str) – The guid of the entity for which you want to retrieve lineage.

  • depth (int) – The number of hops for lineage

  • width (int) – The number of max expanding width in lineage

  • direction (str) – The direction of the lineage, which could be INPUT, OUTPUT or BOTH.

  • includeParent (bool) – True to include the parent chain in the response

  • getDerivedLineage (bool) – True to include derived lineage in the response


A dict representing AtlasLineageInfo with an array of parentRelations and an array of relations

Return type

dict(str, dict)