PurviewClient for Microsoft Purview#

PurviewClient(account_name[, authentication])

Provides communication between your application and the Azure Purview service.

The PurviewClient is meant for Microsoft Purview users to interact with the Apache Atlas APIs and a limited set of Microsoft Purview specific APIs. It implements nearly all of the below endpoints and the table of methods below are presented in this order.

Some of the APIs (in the documentation) are separated into other clients. You do not need to instatiate these clients. They are made available in the PurviewClient. For the PurviewClient, there is a PurviewGlossaryClient that provides access to the Glossary API endpoints, a PurviewDiscoveryClient that provides access to the Discovery API endpoints, a CollectionsClient that provides access to the Microsoft Purview only collections APIs, an MSGraphClient that provides access to Microsoft Graph Utilities for converting email addresses to object ids, and a GraphQL client for querying Microsoft Purview via the preview GraphQL endpoint.

PurviewClient.get_entity([guid, …])

Retrieve one or many guids from your Atlas backed Data Catalog.

PurviewClient.get_single_entity([guid, …])

Retrieve one entity based on guid from your Atlas backed Data Catalog.


Retrieve one or many entity headers from your Atlas backed Data Catalog.

PurviewClient.upload_entities(batch[, …])

Upload entities to your Atlas backed Data Catalog.

PurviewClient.partial_update_entity([guid, …])

Partially update an entity without having to construct the entire object and its subsequent required attributes.

PurviewClient.delete_entity([guid, …])

Delete one or many entities from your Apache Atlas server.


Retrieve all of the type defs available on the Apache Atlas server.

PurviewClient.get_typedef([type_category, …])

Retrieve a single type def based on its guid, name, or type category and (guid or name).

PurviewClient.upload_typedefs([typedefs, …])

Provides a way to upload a single or multiple type definitions.


Delete a type based on the given name.


Delete one or many types.


Get the array of AtlasTypeDefHeader that contains category, guid, name, and serviceType.


Retrieve a specific entity from the given entity’s guid.


Retrieve all classifications from the given entity’s guid.


Given a single classification, you want to apply it to many entities and you know their guid.

PurviewClient.classify_entity(guid, …[, …])

Given a single entity, you want to apply many classifications.

PurviewClient._classify_entity_adds(guid, …)

Update a given entity guid with the provided classifications.

PurviewClient._classify_entity_updates(guid, …)

Update a given entity guid with the provided classifications.

PurviewClient.declassify_entity(guid, …)

Given an entity guid and a classification name, remove the classification from the given entity.

PurviewClient.update_businessMetadata(guid, …)

Update the business metadata.

PurviewClient.delete_businessMetadata(guid, …)

Delete one or many business attributes based on the guid.

PurviewClient.get_entity_lineage(guid[, …])

Gets lineage info about the specified entity by guid.

PurviewClient.get_entity_next_lineage(guid, …)

Returns immediate next level lineage info about entity with pagination


Retrieve the relationship attribute for the given guid.


Upload a AtlasRelationship json. Should take the form of the following::.


Delete a relationship based on the guid.

PurviewClient.update_entity_labels(labels[, …])

Update the given labels for one entity.

PurviewClient.delete_entity_labels(labels[, …])

Delete the given labels for one entity.

PurviewClient.update_entity_tags(tags[, …])

Update the given tags for one entity.

PurviewClient.delete_entity_tags(tags[, …])

Delete the given tags for one entity.