
class pyapacheatlas.core.client.PurviewClient(account_name, authentication=None, **kwargs)#

Provides communication between your application and the Azure Purview service. Simplifies the requirements for knowing the endpoint url and requires only the Purview account name.

See also:

  • account_name (str) – Your Purview account name.

  • authentication (AtlasAuthBase) – The method of authentication.

param requests_*

Kwargs to pass to the underlying requests package method call. For example passing requests_verify = False will supply verify=False to any API call.

__init__(account_name, authentication=None, **kwargs)#


__init__(account_name[, authentication])

assignTerm(entities[, termGuid, termName, …])

AtlasClient.assignTerm is being deprecated.

classify_bulk_entities(entityGuids, …)

Given a single classification, you want to apply it to many entities and you know their guid.

classify_entity(guid, classifications[, …])

Given a single entity, you want to apply many classifications.

declassify_entity(guid, classificationName)

Given an entity guid and a classification name, remove the classification from the given entity.

delete_assignedTerm(entities[, termGuid, …])

AtlasClient.delete_assignedTerm is being deprecated.

delete_businessMetadata(guid, businessMetadata)

Delete one or many business attributes based on the guid.

delete_entity([guid, qualifiedName, typeName])

Delete one or many entities from your Apache Atlas server.

delete_entity_labels(labels[, guid, …])

Delete the given labels for one entity.

delete_entity_tags(tags[, guid, typeName, …])

Delete the given tags for one entity.


Delete a relationship based on the guid.


Delete a type based on the given name.


Delete one or many types.

export_terms(guids, csv_path[, …])

PurviewClient.export_terms is being deprecated.

generate_request_headers([include, exclude])


Retrieve all of the type defs available on the Apache Atlas server.

get_entity([guid, qualifiedName, typeName, …])

Retrieve one or many guids from your Atlas backed Data Catalog.

get_entity_classification(guid, …)

Retrieve a specific entity from the given entity’s guid.


Retrieve all classifications from the given entity’s guid.


Retrieve one or many entity headers from your Atlas backed Data Catalog.

get_entity_lineage(guid[, depth, width, …])

Gets lineage info about the specified entity by guid.

get_entity_next_lineage(guid, direction[, …])

Returns immediate next level lineage info about entity with pagination

get_glossary([name, guid, detailed])

AtlasClient.get_glossary is being deprecated.

get_glossary_term([guid, name, …])

AtlasClient.get_glossary_term is being deprecated.


Retrieve the relationship attribute for the given guid.

get_single_entity([guid, …])

Retrieve one entity based on guid from your Atlas backed Data Catalog.

get_termAssignedEntities([termGuid, …])

AtlasClient.get_termAssignedEntities is being deprecated.

get_typedef([type_category, guid, name])

Retrieve a single type def based on its guid, name, or type category and (guid or name).

import_terms(csv_path[, glossary_name, …])

Bulk import terms from an existing csv file.


PurviewClient.import_terms_status is being deprecated.

partial_update_entity([guid, typeName, …])

Partially update an entity without having to construct the entire object and its subsequent required attributes.

search_entities(query[, limit, …])

Search entities based on a query and automaticall handles limits and offsets to page through results.

update_businessMetadata(guid, businessMetadata)

Update the business metadata.

update_entity_labels(labels[, guid, …])

Update the given labels for one entity.

update_entity_tags(tags[, guid, typeName, …])

Update the given tags for one entity.

upload_entities(batch[, batch_size])

Upload entities to your Atlas backed Data Catalog.


Upload a AtlasRelationship json. Should take the form of the following::.

upload_term(term[, includeTermHierarchy])

PurviewClient.upload_term is being deprecated.

upload_terms(batch[, force_update])

AtlasClient.upload_terms is being deprecated.

upload_typedefs([typedefs, force_update])

Provides a way to upload a single or multiple type definitions.